U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper Says South Carolina Voters ‘Have Extra Chromosomes’


U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05), who has long scolded others to act civil, reportedly does not practice what he preaches as he this week compared South Carolina voters to people who have Down Syndrome.

Cooper reportedly said this when The Nashville Post profiled him this week.

The Post asked Cooper about Democratic U.S. Senate candidates who raised $100 million for their campaigns — but still lost.

“You’re probably talking about Jaime Harrison, who was an outstanding candidate. But that is South Carolina. I’ve said for years that they have extra chromosomes, South Carolina voters,” Cooper said.

Cooper’s staff later apologized for the analogy to The Tennessean and said he was referring to South Carolina’s history of “bigotry and racism.”

This, despite the fact that U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), an African-American, represents the state, per the voters’ wishes.

South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism spokeswoman Dawn Dawson-House declined The Tennessee Star’s request for comment Tuesday. Dawson-House said that Cooper’s reported remarks were “a political issue” and not one concerning tourism.

In January 2018 The Tennessean listed Cooper among their “Champions of Civility.”

In 2011 Cooper, via his Twitter, asked “Will civility prevail?”

That same year, Cooper, again on Twitter, said the following:
“Congress needs more civility and less partisan food fights.”

As The Star reported in August, Cooper heavily implied, without solid evidence, that U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is a criminal. Cooper then asked DeJoy if he secretly hoped U.S. President Donald Trump would one day pardon him — as the president did for Roger Stone.

Cooper and DeJoy exchanged words as DeJoy testified before the House Oversight Committee.

“Mr. DeJoy, as a mega-donor for the Trump campaign, you were picked along with Michael Cohen and Elliot Broidy, two men who have already pled guilty to felonies, to be the three deputy finance chairman of the Republican National Committee,” Cooper said.

“Did you pay back several of your top executives for contributing to Trump’s campaign by bonusing or rewarding them?”

DeJoy said Cooper made “an outrageous claim” and that DeJoy resented it. DeJoy then said no, he did not bonus or reward his executives for contributing to Trump’s 2016 campaign.

DeJoy then said he wasn’t even working at his former company while Trump ran for office in 2016.

But Cooper asked more questions.

“Do your mail delays fit Trump’s campaign goal of hurting the Post Office, as stated in his tweets? Are your mail delays implicit campaign contributions?” Cooper asked.

DeJoy responded with this:

“I’m not here to answer these types of questions. I’m here to represent the Postal Service. All my actions have to do with improvements in the Postal Service. Am I the only one in this room that understands that we have a $10 billion a year loss?”

Cooper then asked DeJoy to hand over his communications with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and President Trump.

“Mr. DeJoy, is your backup plan to be pardoned like Roger Stone?” Cooper asked.

DeJoy laughed and said he had no comment.

“It’s not worth the comment,” DeJoy said.

As reported, the USPS has lost more than $78 billion since 2007. DeJoy wanted to implement certain cost-saving initiatives but he delayed them until after the November election “to even avoid the appearance of any impact on election mail.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].

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16 Thoughts to “U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper Says South Carolina Voters ‘Have Extra Chromosomes’”

  1. Deplorable Bay Stater

    I can think of several States (including my own State of residence) where S***-for-Brains’ comment might might apply, but SC definitely isn’t one of them. Their voters were smart enough not to be duped into electing Socialist Jaime Harrison, which is more than I can say for TN-05.

  2. Tim Price

    Cooper, just like his brother the mayor, clearly demonstrates the hatred and evil intentions of today’s Democrats. It is ok for them to lie and say whatever they want because no one will hold them accountable. The Liberal knaves will re-elect this scum bag until he decides his pockets are as full as he wants them.

  3. LM

    First, Cooper insults people with Downs Syndrome, and the state of South Carolina. Instead of a personal apology from Cooper, his staff insults the state again and calls it an apology. Outstanding.

  4. Fireguy

    Hasn’t had an useful thought in decades. It’s no wonder why the entitlement crowd loves him.

  5. Fireguy

    It has been such a refreshing change since my wife and I moved out of the socialist republic of Nashville 2 months ago. Voting, and not seeing a Cooper on the ballet was great. Jimmy is no better or responsible than any other demacrap in office today. He knows that he will speak the Pelosi agenda and vote like she tells him to or he will not ride that “nut train” anymore. Good luck 5th district. I prefer someone that is a leader, not a follower.

  6. Horatio Bunce

    “Cooper’s staff later apologized for the analogy to The Tennessean and said he was referring to South Carolina’s history of “bigotry and racism.”

    Ok, thanks for clearing up that Cooper thinks all people with Downs are racist bigots. Or at least all the ones in South Carolina.

    1. Ron Welch

      Just like their leftist guru Saul Alinksy counsels and most all Democrats faithfully follow, Jim Cooper is “accusing others of what they do.”

  7. jamesb

    mr cooper. it is one thing to be born with downs syndrome and another to be born with no brain at all and trump derangement syndrome both of which affect you.

    of course we can contribute most of your condition to having got an infection in washington called coastal elitism.

    there is a cure. come home and stay home and zip your pie hole.

  8. Leslie Benny

    This man is a disgrace to Tennessee, has been and will continue to be until he is voted out of office.

  9. Karen

    I see he has now come out with “regrets”… only because he’s probably been bombarded with criticism! Is there even ONE good democrat?

  10. M. Flatt

    And people laughed when I wrote in “Hortense Wifflezipper” rather than vote for him?
    Yeah, my vote said I’d rather his seat be vacant than have him return.

    This just shows what sort of body politic we have in northern Nashville.

  11. Tennessee’s most-embarrassing family, affectionately known a Numbnuts 1 and Numbnuts 2.

    Add in Steve Cohen, and you can see the high-level quality of the democrat party.

  12. jj

    Jim Cooper. Just another donkey braying.

  13. Gordon Shumway

    these ‘calls for civility’ are a joke, and everyone knows it.

    cooper showing his true colors.

  14. Kevin

    How sad and pathetic! But the good news, is that Jim Cooper, like the rest of these elitist politicians, is making a “bed” that he may soon have to lie in!

  15. Rick

    The whole Cooper family is GUTTER TRASH CROOKS!
    That terminology broken down means Democrat !!
